You don’t have time to sunbathe in the sun, and it’s time to prepare for winter ❄️

You need to put on your car with the arrival of the first cold snap. When the temperature drops below 7° and lasts for 3 days – it’s time!

There is an unwritten rule – if t° is less than 5 degrees – it is strictly forbidden to get behind the wheel with summer tires.

Why? 👇
The main material of tires is rubber. And at low temperatures it hardens and loses elasticity. This is what leads to poor grip on the road.

Winter tires in this version are safer – materials and compounds are used in their manufacture that prevent rubber from hardening in frost.

So, we will be happy to help you choose a winter or all-season set at any time 😉

P.S. Winter tires are cheaper to buy in the summer😏

Kurenivskyi provulok 2/8, Roadstyle 🚩